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At Dawson PPD, safety is key. Lineworkers use a “spotter” when working out in the field. The spotter’s job is pretty straightforward; they watch the other employee work and warn them of any potential hazards. “When someone is up in the bucket truck, it is the spotter’s responsibility to ensure that the bucket maintains a safe clearance,” said Jeremy Kaiser, Manager of Operations. “If someone is backing up a vehicle, the spotter guides them.” At least one spotter must be available to observe any time a lineworker is working in the designated approach distance, or the minimum distance needed for safety.

Lineworker “spotters” observe bucket truck work.

At Dawson PPD, safety is key. Lineworkers use a “spotter” when working out in the field. The spotter’s job is pretty straightforward; they watch the other employee work and warn them of any potential hazards.
“When someone is up in the bucket truck, it is the spotter’s responsibility to ensure that the bucket maintains a safe clearance,” said Jeremy Kaiser, Manager of Operations. “If someone is backing up a vehicle, the spotter guides them.”
At least one spotter must be available to observe any time a lineworker is working in the designated approach distance, or the minimum distance needed for safety.
August 2017

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