Price increases reflect the past 4 years.
- Primary wire: 194%
- Insulators: 71%
- Crossarms: 69%
- Surge arrestors: 59%
- Transformers: 108%
- Cutouts: 31%
- Secondary wire: 43%
- Poles: 91%
- Ground wire: 63%
How Temperature Impacts Your Electric Bill
Here’s the golden rule: The closer the thermostat setting is to the outdoor temperature, the less energy your HVAC system will use.
5 tips for a safe harvest
Electrical safety during harvest season requires vigilance and proactive measures. Follow these tips to reduce the risk of electrical accidents.
Contract Awarded for Dual Substation Improvement
Richard’s Electric of North Platte has been awarded a $2.3 million bid for the upgrade of two rural Dawson Public Power District substations.