(308) 324-2386
Utility scam notice

Avoid utility scams. Scammers will threaten you with everything from shutting off power to your home to legal action. Don’t fall victim to these types of scams.

  • Never give personal information to an unknown caller. Our representatives have access to the details they need to service your account.
  • Demands for immediate payment by wire transfer, cryptocurrency, gift cards or cash reload cards should immediately raise red flags.
  • If you think you’ve been contacted by a scammer falsely representing Dawson PPD, please let us know as soon as possible. 


May is National Electrical Safety Month

May is National Electrical Safety Month

Each year, more than 140,000 electrical fires occur across the nation. Follow these tips to stay safe: Water and electricity don’t mix. You’ve heard this before, but we’ll say it again. Remember that water cannot extinguish an electrical fire. This type is fire is...

Join Dawson PPD at its open house on May 4

Join Dawson PPD at its open house on May 4

(April 24, 2017) Lexington, Neb. – Dawson Public Power District will host its open house on Thursday, May 4. The event, scheduled from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m., will be held at the District’s headquarters in Lexington located just south of the Platte River. The physical...

Dawson PPD awards $3,000 in scholarships

Dawson PPD awards $3,000 in scholarships

(April 18, 2017) Lexington, Neb. – Dawson Public Power District has awarded $3,000 in scholarships to two local graduating seniors. Each senior was presented with $1,500 to help further their education. “We are fortunate to have so many talented youth in the area,”...

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