Irrigation OVerview
Dawson Power Load Management
Control has ended for the 2024 irrigation season. There will be no more control messages. Thank you for your cooperation this season! Irrigators may submit 2025 control changes at no cost starting September 6th, 2024 until March 15th, 2025.
Friday, 09/06/24 CODE GREEN
CODE GREEN: Dawson Power is Code Green for today, Friday September 06, 2024.
Thursday, 09/05/24 CODE GREEN
CODE GREEN: Dawson Power is Code Green for today, Thursday September 05, 2024.
Irrigation Load Management Program
Dawson PPD offers a load management program for irrigation customers. It allows these customers to choose their electric rate by selecting a level of control that suits their needs. Control options range from “no control” to a few days of control up to a Six-Day + Sunday option. Rates decrease as the amount of control increases.
The program is administered by our wholesale power provider, Nebraska Public Power District. During times of high demand for power, NPPD will request that certain utilities control their customers’ electric usage. Dawson PPD uses devices connected to the District’s wireless mesh to turn off the power to wells. Wells can be controlled up to 12 hours per day, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 11 p.m.
By shedding load, Dawson PPD helps NPPD use our energy resources wisely. By eliminating the need to buy power on the open market and postponing the need to build new power plants, we are able to keep rates low.
Dawson PPD started its load management program in 1982. Today, there are over 143,000 horsepower of irrigation wells enrolled in load management.
The chart above shows Dawson PPD’s electric load in July 2022. The drop in load occurred during a load management control event, commonly called “Code Red.” The increase in load occurs when producers restart irrigation systems when the system is back in “Code Green” status.
Downgrading load management control options
Ending participation in load management during the irrigation season
Reconnecting an irrigation service on standby
If you need to opt back in to text messages...
If you have previously signed up for Dawson PPD load management text messages, then cancelled your subscription via text, you must opt yourself back in. Text the word “cancel” to 833-916-3432 to opt back in to receiving load management text messages.
75191 Rd. 433
PO Box 777
Lexington, NE 68850
(308) 324-2386
(800) 752-8305
Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.