(308) 324-2386
neighbors Source: stock.adobe.com

Ah, neighbors. We can’t pick them, but we can choose to keep things friendly. Dawson PPD’s Power Quality Policy can help.

This policy outlines how customers can avoid objectionable voltage and other electrical disturbances or problems that affect other customers or Dawson PPD. In other words, you are responsible if your electric service or equipment damages your neighbors’ or Dawson PPD’s property or causes injury to others. Some things to be mindful of:

  • Improperly installed equipment, or equipment that is malfunctioning or fails to meet the power quality standards outlined in Dawson PPD’s policy.
    • For example, a generator that is not properly connected could back feed onto power lines and cause damage to equipment. Dawson PPD offers a transfer switch rebate to help you ensure that everything is safely connected before you run your generator.
  • Any injury caused to others by improperly installed equipment, malfunctioning equipment or by failing to meet the power quality standard outlined.
    • For example, a solar panel could back feed onto power lines if not properly installed. This could cause shock or electrocution to you or another person.


Between the lines: Seeing both sides

Between the lines: Seeing both sides

By Gwen Kautz, Dawson PPD General Manager gkautz (at) dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 Recently, I attended a meeting sponsored by an organization in which I’ve carried a love-hate relationship with for several years. I love their mission, but hate their approach. Their...

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Growing rural Nebraska

Growing rural Nebraska

Growing rural Nebraska isn’t easy. Businesses, like cafes, grocery stores and electricians, are closing and taking their families with them. Fortunately, there are local leaders willing to roll up their sleeves and work hard to nurture their businesses and...

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