(308) 324-2386
Scholarship stock.adobe.com

Dawson PPD offers two annual scholarships for students interested in pursuing utility line or a STEM career. The deadline for both scholarships is March 14.

The Dawson PPD Utility Line Scholarship is valued at $2,000 and will be awarded to one individual. Applicants should be enrolled in a utility line program through any accredited college, university, trade school or community college.

The Dawson PPD STEM Scholarship is awarded to one recipient and offers $1,500 to those pursuing higher education in engineering, accounting, computer programming or a related STEM field.


The most energy efficient home in Nebraska

The most energy efficient home in Nebraska

When you see the word, ENERGY STAR, you may think of appliances, insulation and light bulbs. But what about a house as a whole? ENERGY STAR Certified Homes are an innovative way to look at new home construction. For one Kearney family, the long-term cost savings was...

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Energizing education within the classroom

Energizing education within the classroom

On the surface, it wouldn’t seem that public power and a classroom are a good fit. What could an electric utility teach students, anyway? But peering in over the edge, it becomes clear: energy education. “Public power utilities can offer schools creative learning...

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Between the lines: Seeing both sides

Between the lines: Seeing both sides

By Gwen Kautz, Dawson PPD General Manager gkautz (at) dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 Recently, I attended a meeting sponsored by an organization in which I’ve carried a love-hate relationship with for several years. I love their mission, but hate their approach. Their...

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