(308) 324-2386
Pros and cons of overhead and underground power lines



  • Less expensive to build and repair
  • Easier to spot faults/damage
  • Can be built on any terrain


  • Susceptible to wind, ice and snow
  • More vulnerable to damage from trees and vegetation
  • More vulnerable to blinks caused by animals
  • Susceptible to damage from vehicle collisions



  • Less susceptible to vehicle collisions
  • Not impacted by trees, wind, ice and snows vulnerable to blinks caused by animals
  • Less vulnerable to blinks caused by animals


  • More expensive to build and repair
  • Susceptible to flooding
  • Difficult to locate faults/damage
  • Vulnerable to damage from digging


How to choose efficient appliances that save money

How to choose efficient appliances that save money

  When it’s time to replace a large appliance in your home, be sure to take a moment and consider what you will purchase. Dramatic advancements in the efficiency of many electric appliances provide the same level of end-user comfort with substantially less...

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