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Abby Lawton

Dawson Public Power District has awarded Abby Lawton a $1,500 STEM scholarship to further her education. Lawton is a senior at Overton High School and is the daughter of John and Lorna Lawton. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math. The scholarship is awarded to one student annually.

In her essay, Lawton says she plans to pursue a degree in medical biology through the University of South Dakota. After graduating, she would like to attend the University of Nebraska Medical Center to obtain a Doctor of Medicine degree to ultimately work in pediatric neurosurgery.

“I strive to help others and in turn, people’s positive reactions make me aspire to want to help them even more,” Lawton wrote. “After schooling, my goal is to return to practice cutting-edge medicine in the rural Midwest.”

“Dawson PPD’s STEM Scholarship aims to support students who will be tomorrow’s leaders,” said Dawson PPD Communications Specialist Chelsea Gengenbach. “We appreciate the opportunity to support future professionals like Abby.”


Fresh off the farm

Fresh off the farm

Raw milk is a trend that consumers are starting to latch on to, but it can be difficult to find a supplier. Fortunately for central Nebraska, The Milk House serves high quality, nutritious raw milk with the help of its six Jersey and Jersey-cross cows. Rancher...

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The pros and cons of overhead and underground power lines

The pros and cons of overhead and underground power lines

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Between the lines: Merger update

Between the lines: Merger update

It’s time to update you on the possible merger between Dawson Public Power District and The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District. February was a busy month and an important milestone in the process. The districts held a joint board meeting in Kearney...

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