(308) 324-2386
Sawyer McGill

Dawson Public Power District has awarded Sawyer McGill a $2,000 utility line scholarship to pursue his degree. McGill is a student at St. Patrick’s High School and is the son of Jake and Amy McGill.

He plans to study utility line at Northeast Community College in Norfolk.

“My dad introduced me to this profession and sparked my interest in electricity,” McGill wrote. “I have several family members who are linemen or power workers, including my dad. I am a hard worker and do my best to keep up on my studies. Doing good in my classes will help me in my profession; I will understand things easier and be able to complete tasks more efficiently.”

The Dawson PPD Utility Line Scholarship has been awarded to one student annually since 2001.

“Dawson PPD is proud to offer this scholarship to help build the next generation of lineworkers,” said Dawson PPD Communications Specialist Chelsea Gengenbach. “These students learn the basics of electrical distribution with an emphasis on safety. It better prepares them for their career and makes a great first impression for an employer.”


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Between the lines: The Culture of a Successful Business

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Seeing stars

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