(308) 324-2386
generator safety tips

Never connect a standby generator into your home’s electrical system. There are only two safe ways to connect a standby generator to your equipment.

Stationary Generator

  • An approved generator transfer switch, which keeps your house circuits separate from the electric utility, should be installed by a professional.

Portable Generator

  • Plug appliances directly into the outlet provided on the generator.
  • Set up and run your generator in a well-ventilated area outside the home. Make sure it’s out and away from your garage, doors, windows and vents. The carbon monoxide generated is deadly.
  • Use a heavy-duty extension cord to connect electric appliances to the outlet on the generator.
  • Start the generator first before connecting appliances.

Source: SafeElectricity.org


Working with birds of prey

Working with birds of prey

When you think about hunting, you may imagine a person with a shotgun and his trusty dog by his side. Or, perhaps, an individual high in a tree stand with their bow. But what about an individual who hunts with a hawk? Falconry is the art of hunting with raptors like...

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Between the lines: Is retail choice right for Nebraska?

Between the lines: Is retail choice right for Nebraska?

By Gwen Kautz, Dawson PPD General Manager gkautz (at) dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 Over the holidays, a report was published that claimed Nebraskan’s are not benefiting from the public power model in Nebraska and that introducing competition would garner lower rates....

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Celebrating 80 years of service

Celebrating 80 years of service

On January 25, 1937, local farmers and other community leaders filed a petition with the Nebraska Department of Roads and Irrigation for the creation of Dawson County Public Power District. The District was officially formed February 26, 1937. The District put its...

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