(308) 324-2386
Renewable energy infographic
Don’t be misled by aggressive sales tactics. Contact your local public power utility to walk you through the solar process, including:

  1. Discussing solar options currently available.
  2. Determining if you are a good fit for solar.
  3. Discussing real costs and return on investment.
  4. Discussing rates if you choose to install solar.
  5. Helping you find a knowledgeable installer.
  6. Being there for you after your installation.

Your local public power utility asks that you follow these Do’s and Don’ts when evaluating your solar options:

  • Do evaluate your home’s current energy usage.
  • Don’t give in to high-pressure sales tactics.
  • Do contact your local public power utility first before signing any contract.
  • Don’t assume your home is a good fit for solar.
  • Do get multiple quotes from installers.
  • Don’t believe the cost savings and benefits without visiting with your local utility.



The most energy efficient home in Nebraska

The most energy efficient home in Nebraska

When you see the word, ENERGY STAR, you may think of appliances, insulation and light bulbs. But what about a house as a whole? ENERGY STAR Certified Homes are an innovative way to look at new home construction. For one Kearney family, the long-term cost savings was...

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Energizing education within the classroom

Energizing education within the classroom

On the surface, it wouldn’t seem that public power and a classroom are a good fit. What could an electric utility teach students, anyway? But peering in over the edge, it becomes clear: energy education. “Public power utilities can offer schools creative learning...

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Between the lines: Seeing both sides

Between the lines: Seeing both sides

By Gwen Kautz, Dawson PPD General Manager gkautz (at) dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 Recently, I attended a meeting sponsored by an organization in which I’ve carried a love-hate relationship with for several years. I love their mission, but hate their approach. Their...

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