(308) 324-2386
Renewable energy infographic
Don’t be misled by aggressive sales tactics. Contact your local public power utility to walk you through the solar process, including:

  1. Discussing solar options currently available.
  2. Determining if you are a good fit for solar.
  3. Discussing real costs and return on investment.
  4. Discussing rates if you choose to install solar.
  5. Helping you find a knowledgeable installer.
  6. Being there for you after your installation.

Your local public power utility asks that you follow these Do’s and Don’ts when evaluating your solar options:

  • Do evaluate your home’s current energy usage.
  • Don’t give in to high-pressure sales tactics.
  • Do contact your local public power utility first before signing any contract.
  • Don’t assume your home is a good fit for solar.
  • Do get multiple quotes from installers.
  • Don’t believe the cost savings and benefits without visiting with your local utility.



Q & A with Electrical Engineer, Cole Brodine

Q & A with Electrical Engineer, Cole Brodine

What kind of projects do you work on? Since we are a small utility, I work on a lot of different things. It includes line design, both distribution and transmission, regulatory requirements like our spill protection plan and PCB removal plan, evaluating line equipment...

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Celebrating Engineering Week

Celebrating Engineering Week

Engineers week is February 16-22. These professionals are changing the world all the time with creative, practical solutions for things that matter. At Dawson PPD, we are proud to have an entire department dedicated to the engineering profession. The Engineering...

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Between the lines: Strategic planning

Between the lines: Strategic planning

By Gwen Kautz General Manager 308-324-2386 gkautz(at)dawsonpower.com   In January, the board of directors and management team met with the goal to look at how we can better serve our customers and our company over the next three years. We talked about what do you...

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