(308) 324-2386
2023 Dawson PPD lineworker territory map

Dawson PPD has lineworkers stationed over its entire district. This helps Dawson PPD have a faster response time to power outages and spreads the workload among its lineworkers. Dawson PPD’s service territory is segmented into the following territories:

  • North Platte – Includes the North Platte area and the towns of Hershey & Maxwell.
  • Gothenburg – Includes the Gothenburg and Cozad areas and the towns of Brady & Farnam.
  • Lexington – Includes the Lexington and Elm Creek areas and the towns of Elwood, Eustis, Johnson Lake, Overton & Smithfield.
  • Kearney – Includes the Kearney, Shelton, Gibbon & Elm Creek areas and the towns of Odessa & Riverdale.
  • Ravenna – Includes the Ravenna area and the town of Pleasanton.
  • Sumner – Includes the towns and surrounding areas of Sumner, Amherst, Eddyville & Miller.


Energizing education within the classroom

Energizing education within the classroom

On the surface, it wouldn’t seem that public power and a classroom are a good fit. What could an electric utility teach students, anyway? But peering in over the edge, it becomes clear: energy education. “Public power utilities can offer schools creative learning...

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Between the lines: Seeing both sides

Between the lines: Seeing both sides

By Gwen Kautz, Dawson PPD General Manager gkautz (at) dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 Recently, I attended a meeting sponsored by an organization in which I’ve carried a love-hate relationship with for several years. I love their mission, but hate their approach. Their...

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Growing rural Nebraska

Growing rural Nebraska

Growing rural Nebraska isn’t easy. Businesses, like cafes, grocery stores and electricians, are closing and taking their families with them. Fortunately, there are local leaders willing to roll up their sleeves and work hard to nurture their businesses and...

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