(308) 324-2386
Renewable energy infographic

Heads up, irrigators!

We’re reaching out to our irrigation customers about a brief load control test scheduled for: 

  • May 14 from 10:00 am to noon 
  • May 15 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. 
Why the Test? 

We’ve recently upgraded our load control software and this test will ensure it functions as expected. This will help us maintain reliable power for everyone. 

What to Expect: 
  • We understand irrigation schedules are crucial, and we’ve minimized disruption by limiting test times. 
  • You’ll receive a reminder text each morning confirming the specific control times for that day. To sign up for our text message service, click here.
  • The number of customers affected will depend on real-time load demands. 
  • We’ll follow established control protocols as if it were a regular control day within the allowable May timeframe as outlined in your irrigation contracts. 

In short, you can operate your irrigation systems normally, but anticipate a power shutoff during the designated test windows. 

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Dawson PPD at 308-324-2386 or sign up for our text message service here.


Tree trimming beyond the holidays

Tree trimming beyond the holidays

  Now that the holidays are over, tree trimming may be a task you’ve crossed off your to-do list. But for Dawson PPD’s Tree Crew, the trimming is a year-round event. Tree Crew Foreman Colten Mast and Tree Crew Worker Kat Cavanaugh work with customers and...

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2021 Residential Rebates

2021 Residential Rebates

  2021 Residential Rebates Air Source & Geothermal Heat Pump Incentive or Low Interest Loan We give you two options — choose the one that best suits your situation. Please note that Dawson PPD’s additional $100 per ton of cooling has been discontinued....

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January 2021 Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month

January 2021 Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month

    Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month Use wool or rubber dryer balls in the clothes dryer to reduce drying time and static. Wool dryer balls can also absorb extra moisture. These are an efficient alternative to dryer sheets, which can create buildup on the...

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