(308) 324-2386
Breaking down the rising material costs for Dawson PPD

Price increases reflect the past 4 years.

  • Primary wire: 194%
  • Insulators: 71%
  • Crossarms: 69%
  • Surge arrestors: 59%
  • Transformers: 108%
  • Cutouts: 31%
  • Secondary wire: 43%
  • Poles: 91%
  • Ground wire: 63%


Dawson PPD’s board considers finances and safety

Dawson PPD’s board considers finances and safety

Dawson Public Power District’s board held their regular meeting on March 12. During the financial report, Carmen Ackerman, Manager of Finance and Administration, reviewed the 2023 margins. She suggested the district keep the money in an unrestricted account,...

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