(308) 324-2386
Breaking down the rising material costs for Dawson PPD

Price increases reflect the past 4 years.

  • Primary wire: 194%
  • Insulators: 71%
  • Crossarms: 69%
  • Surge arrestors: 59%
  • Transformers: 108%
  • Cutouts: 31%
  • Secondary wire: 43%
  • Poles: 91%
  • Ground wire: 63%


Economic development projects are ahead for Dawson PPD

Economic development projects are ahead for Dawson PPD

LEXINGTON, Feb. 12, 2024 - Dawson Public Power District’s February board agenda focused on the District’s future. Chris Bruns, Lincoln County Commissioner, spoke about the creation of the Nebraska International Port of the Plains and the larger industrial rail park...

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