(308) 324-2386
Breaking down the rising material costs for Dawson PPD

Price increases reflect the past 4 years.

  • Primary wire: 194%
  • Insulators: 71%
  • Crossarms: 69%
  • Surge arrestors: 59%
  • Transformers: 108%
  • Cutouts: 31%
  • Secondary wire: 43%
  • Poles: 91%
  • Ground wire: 63%


Dawson PPD discusses budget

Dawson PPD discusses budget

Dawson Public Power District’s board of directors voted to approve the 2024 budget at their meeting on November 1. The district is planning for $61 million in expenses, which is about a million dollars less than the projected costs for 2023. The directors discussed...

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Energy efficiency tip of the month

Energy efficiency tip of the month

The holiday season is upon us, and that means we'll be using more energy inthe kitchen. When possible, cook with smaller countertop appliances instead of the stovetop or oven. Smaller appliances like slow cookers, air fryers and Instant Pots consume less energy. When...

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