(308) 324-2386
•	State Senators Teresa Ibach and Mike Jacobson spoke with Dawson PPD Board Members about the special session and current issues, and requested feedback from the board on issues they feel need to be addressed.

At the October 2nd meeting, Dawson Public Power District’s board learned that its irrigation customers experienced less load management than in previous years.

Of the 66 hours of possible irrigation control, Dawson PPD’s anytime option  irrigation customers averaged 50 hours of irrigation load management for the 2024 growing season. Most irrigation customers subscribe to the anytime rate, which means they allow their irrigation well to be shut off at any time and on any day of the week. By working together, Dawson PPD and its irrigation customers help keep overall wholesale power costs low.

Dawson PPD’s electrical grid peaked in demand at 209 megawatts in 2024. In 2023, it was 252 MW.

“At Dawson PPD, we take a unique  approach to our irrigation load management to benefit our customers,” said Cole Brodine, Manager of Engineering. “Our Board votes on a certain load threshold at the beginning of the irrigation year. This number is determined by historical data and wholesale power costs. When electrical use increases on a summer control day, we slowly shut off irrigation wells to keep Dawson PPD’s overall electrical demand under the threshold. As electrical usage decreases in the evening, we start to slowly turn irrigation wells back on to allow load up to the threshold or until our wholesale provider, Nebraska Public Power District, cancels load management for the day.”

Safety and Loss Prevention Coordinator Dean Kunkee provided a summary of Dawson PPD’s Loss Analysis for 2023. Animals and birds caused about $42,800 in damage to the District’s substations in 2023.

Other topics of discussion:

  • State Senators Teresa Ibach and Mike Jacobson spoke with Dawson PPD Board Members about the special session and current issues, and requested feedback from the board on issues they feel need to be addressed.
  • Dawson PPD’s revenue is 3% under budget and 6% less than last year. Total operating costs are 4% under budget and 3% less than last year. Net Margin is $388K under budget.
  • The Board reviewed the preliminary 2025 budget, which is subject to change. They plan to vote on the final budget at the November 6 Board Meeting.
  • Operations Manager Jeremy Kaiser updated the Board on the restoration process of the September 25 power line and structure loss caused by a helicopter. The helicopter operator was spraying phragmites in the Platte River near Darr Road and Interstate 80 when it contacted the transmission power lines strung over the river. The impact caused the transmission lines and its poles to fall from the river, across Darr Road, and over the Interstate. More than 1,000 meters were without power for about 2 hours. Power has been rerouted to customers by nearby substations. Dawson PPD is gathering necessary replacement materials and coordinating with the State of Nebraska to re-string the power lines over Interstate 80.
  • Pad mount transformers ordered in 2021 are starting to arrive. They had been delayed by supply chain and quality control issues.
  • Board members Brad Brodine and Dan Muhlbach, and employees Gwen Kautz and Cole Brodine attended the Nebraska Generation & Transmission Board Meeting September 11-12.
  • General Manager Gwen Kautz attended the Nebraska Rural Electric Association Manager’s Meeting and Legal Seminar September 17-18. The Legal Seminar focused on public meeting and information basics to ensure that all public power districts understand their obligations.
  • Kautz also reported on the status of contract negotiations with NPPD and general information about a bid submitted to The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District about purchasing 20 MW of hydropower from Jeffrey Hydro.
  • Board member Brad Brodine attended the September Safety Meeting on September 18. He reported that he was impressed with employees conducting themselves during the Pole Top Rescue and Fire Extinguisher Trainings.
  • Board members Pat Hecox, Page Peterson and Roger White attended the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Region 7 Meeting September 24-26. The board members reported information gained at the meetings and breakout sessions.


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