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Where do you find value 2024

Did you know the average daily cost of electricity is $4.57, or about $140 per month? Electricity fuels our daily life essentials, from heating/cooling equipment to entertainment devices and appliances. Think of how vital power is compared to other everyday purchases. That’s real value.

$6 morning to-go latte

$10 fast-food combo lunch

<$5 all-day power

Sources: Energy Information Administration, MoneyGeek and CNET.


Powering young minds

Powering young minds

We are committed to empowering our youth to become responsible energy consumers, future leaders in the energy industry and informed citizens who can make a positive impact.

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Switching things up

Switching things up

We're committed to delivering reliable electricity to you. That's why we recently replaced a transmission line switch that had reached its service limit. While the original switch served us well for 40+ years, proactive maintenance identified the need for an upgrade....

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