(308) 324-2386
Where do you find value 2024

Did you know the average daily cost of electricity is $4.57, or about $140 per month? Electricity fuels our daily life essentials, from heating/cooling equipment to entertainment devices and appliances. Think of how vital power is compared to other everyday purchases. That’s real value.

$6 morning to-go latte

$10 fast-food combo lunch

<$5 all-day power

Sources: Energy Information Administration, MoneyGeek and CNET.


Going way, way up

Going way, way up

What has 92 feet and is red all over? Dawson PPD’s newest digger derrick.
The latest addition to the District’s fleet boasts a reach of up to 92 feet, helping our lineworkers reach 70-foot-tall transmission poles with ease.

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