(308) 324-2386

Rewarding customers for improving energy efficienty

March 2021 Projects eligible for EnergyWise incentives: • Installing new sprinkler packages • Replacing pressure regulators • Reducing system pressures • Replacing delivery system • Installing variable rate irrigation systems • Replacing or refurbishing pumps Is an...

Important irrigation dates for 2021

March 2021   Load management option changes due March 15 Fixed charges due April 26 First day of possible load control May 1 Last day of possible load control September 15 Energy charges due November 29

Info for irrigators is online

March 2021 Learn about rebates and power factor by watching Dawson PPD’s 2021 irrigation meeting on the District’s YouTube channel. The presentation was originally broadcast on January 26. www.YouTube.com/DawsonPublicPower
Dawson PPD and CNPPID explore opportunities

Dawson PPD and CNPPID explore opportunities

  March 2021 Could a partnership provide better service to customers? Dawson Public Power District and Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District have hired a consultant to explore the value of a possible merger. The study will look at assets,...

Power factor calculations will be used in 2022

March 2021 The basics: Power factor was printed on the 2020 fall irrigation energy billing. The goal is a power factor between 90 – 100%. Use a capacitor or a programmed VFD to achieve goal. Power factor correction is the customer’s choice. Install correction...

Control day or not: Who makes the call?

March 2021 Weather and load control forecasts are hard to predict. Conditions change throughout the growing season. “Our philosophy is to let irrigators run their systems as much as possible, while we make sure that Dawson Public Power District meets all the load...
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