(308) 324-2386
Rate increase to take effect with May billing

Rate increase to take effect with May billing

Dawson Public Power District rates will increase this spring. Overall, the increase will be 1.85%. The percentage varies by rate class. Residential customers will see a 1.75% increase in their electric rates. This includes a $1 increase to the distribution charge and...

Register for the Irrigation Meeting Webinar

  Please join us on Tuesday, January 26, at 10:00 a.m. for the Dawson PPD Online Irrigation Meeting. Participants will view the presentation via Zoom. Learn how to prepare for our new billing structure. Topics covered: Online billing Rates Safety Power Factor...

Register for the irrigation technician meeting

Please join us on Wednesday, December 9, at 1:00 p.m. for the Dawson PPD Online Irrigation Technician Meeting. Learn how to help your customers prepare for our new billing structure. Topics covered: What is power factor? How is it measured? Horsepower…it’s...

Load control on Sunday?

Please remember that load may be controlled on Sundays.  All load management participants are subject to load control on Sunday, from one-day control to anytime control.  Monitor the daily code green/code red messages.

District adopts power quality standards

Although Dawson PPD has had power quality rules, the board recently adopted a formal policy in February 2017. Power quality is a set of electrical “boundaries” that allow a piece of equipment to function as intended. Customer-owned equipment can affect the power...
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