(308) 324-2386
Utility scam notice

Avoid utility scams. Scammers will threaten you with everything from shutting off power to your home to legal action. Don’t fall victim to these types of scams.

  • Never give personal information to an unknown caller. Our representatives have access to the details they need to service your account.
  • Demands for immediate payment by wire transfer, cryptocurrency, gift cards or cash reload cards should immediately raise red flags.
  • If you think you’ve been contacted by a scammer falsely representing Dawson PPD, please let us know as soon as possible. 


How to choose a generator

How to choose a generator

As our reliance on electrical items grows, so does our need for uninterrupted power. Unfortunately, power outages happen. If you’re in the market for a generator, here’s some things to consider before making your purchase. Which electronic devices do you want to...

Between the lines: Your privacy

Between the lines: Your privacy

There’s no such thing as a private life if you are registered to any social media sites. A Google search of my name came up with no less than 403,000 results. While a great majority of the results were related to work, there were many reflecting my personal/private...

Monster trucks spotted at Dawson PPD

Monster trucks spotted at Dawson PPD

New construction crew foremen trucks have arrived at Dawson PPD, and they're a bit monstrous. The commercial-grade CV International trucks are listed as medium duty with a gross vehicle weight rating of 23,500 lbs. Dawson PPD crew foremen previously drove a Dodge Ram...

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