(308) 324-2386
Utility scam notice

Avoid utility scams. Scammers will threaten you with everything from shutting off power to your home to legal action. Don’t fall victim to these types of scams.

  • Never give personal information to an unknown caller. Our representatives have access to the details they need to service your account.
  • Demands for immediate payment by wire transfer, cryptocurrency, gift cards or cash reload cards should immediately raise red flags.
  • If you think you’ve been contacted by a scammer falsely representing Dawson PPD, please let us know as soon as possible. 


BETWEEN THE LINES:  The Dawson PPD and Central NPPID Project

BETWEEN THE LINES: The Dawson PPD and Central NPPID Project

I’ve fielded several questions about our announcement in November. In December, our boards approved the hiring of a consultant to take a deeper and more thorough look at whether or not this arrangement not only has merit but has positive impacts for each district....

Electric vehicles are worth a second look

Electric cars are powerful, quiet and cheaper to maintain than gas-powered vehicles. Add the tax credit and incentives, and these vehicles are worthy of consideration as your next vehicle. Range anxiety no more These green vehicles have evolved rapidly. The 2011...

Tree trimming beyond the holidays

Tree trimming beyond the holidays

  Now that the holidays are over, tree trimming may be a task you’ve crossed off your to-do list. But for Dawson PPD’s Tree Crew, the trimming is a year-round event. Tree Crew Foreman Colten Mast and Tree Crew Worker Kat Cavanaugh work with customers and...

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