(308) 324-2386
Utility scam notice

Avoid utility scams. Scammers will threaten you with everything from shutting off power to your home to legal action. Don’t fall victim to these types of scams.

  • Never give personal information to an unknown caller. Our representatives have access to the details they need to service your account.
  • Demands for immediate payment by wire transfer, cryptocurrency, gift cards or cash reload cards should immediately raise red flags.
  • If you think you’ve been contacted by a scammer falsely representing Dawson PPD, please let us know as soon as possible. 


Between the lines: The cost of reliable power

Between the lines: The cost of reliable power

By Gwen Kautz General Manager 308-324-2386 gkautz(at)dawsonpower.com Our customers have indicated that reliable power is a top priority. And who could blame them? Nobody likes to be without power. When I think about my daily activities, I’m not sure how I could be...

Dawson PPD rate increase to go in effect April 1

February 18, 2020 - Dawson Public Power District will have an average two percent rate increase across all rate classes effective April 1, 2020. The vote for approval was made at the Dawson PPD Board Meeting on February 12. The District has invested more than $135...

Q & A with Electrical Engineer, Cole Brodine

Q & A with Electrical Engineer, Cole Brodine

What kind of projects do you work on? Since we are a small utility, I work on a lot of different things. It includes line design, both distribution and transmission, regulatory requirements like our spill protection plan and PCB removal plan, evaluating line equipment...

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