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electrical safety around pets stock.adobe.com

We love our pets! They’re part of the family. But our pets are unaware of the dangers posed by plugs, wires and other electrical devices in our homes. When in doubt, look at your electrical setup through the eyes of your furry friends to keep them safe.

  1. Keep power cords and wires out of pets’ reach.
  2. Turn off electrical items like lamps, fans, irons or heaters when not in use.
  3. Never place electrical items near bathtubs or sinks. Curious cats may be tempted to knock items off the counter.


Twelve values of the merger

Twelve values of the merger

When we talk to Dawson Public Power District customers about this opportunity, something commonly asked is “why?” We usually hear that customers do not care what we do so long as we continue to provide low-cost, reliable power. When they flip the light switch, it better come on. We know this industry well and we care about all of this on your behalf. Our efforts will continue doing what we do best using a different, but diverse, and better business model.

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