(308) 324-2386
Pros and cons of overhead and underground power lines



  • Less expensive to build and repair
  • Easier to spot faults/damage
  • Can be built on any terrain


  • Susceptible to wind, ice and snow
  • More vulnerable to damage from trees and vegetation
  • More vulnerable to blinks caused by animals
  • Susceptible to damage from vehicle collisions



  • Less susceptible to vehicle collisions
  • Not impacted by trees, wind, ice and snows vulnerable to blinks caused by animals
  • Less vulnerable to blinks caused by animals


  • More expensive to build and repair
  • Susceptible to flooding
  • Difficult to locate faults/damage
  • Vulnerable to damage from digging


How to save energy while staying home

How to save energy while staying home

The coronavirus crisis means people are spending more time at home, and that extra time spent in your home will add to your energy bills. Although warmer weather and lighter evenings mean you will use less energy, you could still see higher energy bills simply because...

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Happy National Lineworker Appreciation Day

Happy National Lineworker Appreciation Day

April 13, 2020, is National Lineworker Appreciation Day. Lineworkers know how to get the job done. Let's thank them for powering our lives. The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Board Resolution states: "Whereas linemen leave their families and put their...

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