(308) 324-2386
Don Batie

Don Batie has been appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Dawson Public Power District Board of Directors. He began his duties in May.

The Dawson PPD Board of Directors serves as a governing body of the District and represents the interests of its customers. Board members are elected to six-year terms. When a director is unable to complete their term, a replacement is appointed. Batie will serve the Dawson Subdivision until December 31, 2022. A board member will be chosen in the November General Election and will begin their duties January 2023.

A Lexington native and farmer, Batie actively serves on various boards including as the Vice Chairman of the Nebraska Natural Resources Commission and the Dawson County Planning Commission.

“I’ve always had an interest in the power system and I’m proud of Nebraska’s history of public power,” Batie said. “I feel it’s my responsibility to be a servant to our community. Hopefully, I can lend my expertise and share what I have learned.”


Don’t be fooled; avoid utility scams

Don’t be fooled; avoid utility scams

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Plant the right tree in the right place

Plant the right tree in the right place

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Take care when landscaping around padmount transformers

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