(308) 324-2386
Renewable energy infographic
Don’t be misled by aggressive sales tactics. Contact your local public power utility to walk you through the solar process, including:

  1. Discussing solar options currently available.
  2. Determining if you are a good fit for solar.
  3. Discussing real costs and return on investment.
  4. Discussing rates if you choose to install solar.
  5. Helping you find a knowledgeable installer.
  6. Being there for you after your installation.

Your local public power utility asks that you follow these Do’s and Don’ts when evaluating your solar options:

  • Do evaluate your home’s current energy usage.
  • Don’t give in to high-pressure sales tactics.
  • Do contact your local public power utility first before signing any contract.
  • Don’t assume your home is a good fit for solar.
  • Do get multiple quotes from installers.
  • Don’t believe the cost savings and benefits without visiting with your local utility.



Take action against scams

Take action against scams

Each year, Nebraskans are subject to a variety of consumer scams. Everyone, regardless of age, sex, nationality, education level or financial status is a target for a consumer scam.

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Strong and steady: A look at Dawson PPD’s 2021 financials

Strong and steady: A look at Dawson PPD’s 2021 financials

The Dawson PPD Board of Directors set some key goals for 2021 and beyond, including the establishment of a Rate Stabilization Fund. The Rate Stabilization Fund will be deposited into or withdrawn from accordingly to help balance the surplus years of revenue from insufficient years.

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