(308) 324-2386
Rodger White

Rodger White

Dawson PPD Board Member

Area served: Lincoln County Subdivision

Years of service: 25 years


  • National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Credentialed Cooperative Director
  • National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Board Leadership Certificate

What do you do outside of serving on Dawson PPD’s Board of Directors?

I am a mostly retired farmer and rancher. I also serve on the Hershey Methodist Church Board. My wife, Carolyn, and I have four granddaughters that keep us busy with their events.

What made you want to serve on the Dawson PPD Board of Directors?

I was asked to fill a newly created seat for Lincoln County after the 1996 redistricting of Dawson PPD’s Board Subdivisions. The territories were redrawn after the census. I was serving on the USDA Lincoln County Committee with then board member Dale Clark. He approached me about the seat, and I accepted.

I appreciate that the board’s philosophy has been that everyone’s vote counts, no matter what. And when the vote is over, you go about your business and be friends.

What is your favorite memory serving on the board?

It has been both interesting and enjoyable to serve on this board. The board meetings are a lot of fun and are one of my favorite things.

I’ve enjoyed getting to know the employees of Dawson PPD. When I first started, the board did not have many opportunities to interact with the employees. Today, board members take turns attending the monthly employee safety meetings. It is good to see how the safety program has developed over the years.

What does the future hold for public power?

I’m looking forward to seeing the future development of the Lincoln County Rail Park. This is a great opportunity for both the community and county. I am impressed with Dawson PPD’s revolving loan fund that started in 2005. We started in Hershey by helping fund the community’s water and sewer in a subdivision and it grew from there. The funds have supported various communities within our service territory since then, and it’s nice to see it come back full circle to the Rail Park.


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