(308) 324-2386
Kylee Edwards stands in front of the U.S. Capitol building. Kylee was chosen to represent Dawson Public Power District at the 2022 Nebraska Rural Electric Association Youth Tour.

Sutherland High School student Kylee Edwards was selected to represent Dawson Public Power District at the Nebraska Rural Electric Association Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. Edwards is the daughter of Aaron and Kate Edwards of North Platte.

Edwards and 20 other high school students spent one week in the nation’s capital touring popular historical sites. The students met with members of the Nebraska Congressional Delegation and joined other rural high school students from across America at the annual National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Youth Day. The event focused on political engagement, leadership and issues facing the electric industry today.


Notice: Customers transferred to City of Lexington

Notice: Customers transferred to City of Lexington

Dawson PPD has served a group of mostly commercial customers on the south part of Lexington as part of an agreement with the City. By June 2020, the maintenance and billing for these customers had been transferred back to the City of Lexington. Dawson PPD continues to...

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Between the lines: Our upside-down lives

Between the lines: Our upside-down lives

By Gwen Kautz General Manager 308-324-2386 gkautz(at)dawsonpower.com I’ve been overwhelmed by the past 3+ weeks. You, too? Overwhelmed by the constant COVID-19 news, overwhelmed by the concern for family, overwhelmed by the impact it has on friends who are losing jobs...

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