(308) 324-2386
Sara Campbell

Sara Campbell

From Consumer Accounting Representative (front desk) to billing

Bob Miller

Bob Miller

From Substation Technician to Manager of Purchasing, Facilities and Fleet

Trever Miller

Trever Miller

From Journeyman Lineman on a Lexington Construction Crew to Substation Technician

Casandra Way

Casandra Way

From Consumer Accounting Representative to Engineering Coordinator


Testing poles with science

Testing poles with science

Testing wooden poles helps the District ensure reliability and long life of its equipment, saving customers money in the long run.

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You’re invited to the Dawson PPD Customer Meeting

You’re invited to the Dawson PPD Customer Meeting

RSVP for Dawson PPD’s Customer Meeting on September 14, 2022. The event will begin at 1:00 p.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. Supper is provided. The meeting will take place at Dawson PPD’s headquarters (75191 Rd 433, Lexington).

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