(308) 324-2386
Tyler Anthony

Tyler Anthony

Apprentice Lineman on the North Platte Construction Crew

Roxanne Brackney

Roxanne Brackney

Consumer Accounting Representative (front desk)

Jeanne Leick

Jeanne Leick


Tanner Ostermeyer

Tanner Ostermeyer

Apprentice Lineman on one of the Lexington Construction Crews


WATT’S UP? A kilowatt-hour defined

WATT’S UP? A kilowatt-hour defined

1 kWh = 1,000 watt-hours 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy is equal to 1,000 watt-hours and will power and 100-watt light bulb for 10 hours (100 watts x 10 hours = 1,000 watt-hours = 1 kWh). 1,000 kWh The average monthly kWh used by Nebraska homeowners. Total usage...

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Between the lines: My job

Between the lines: My job

By Gwen Kautz, General Manager gkautz at dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 “You’re the boss, I don’t understand why you can’t make this decision? Just what is your job?” The questions caught me off guard as I had been working with an unhappy customer who felt his concerns...

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