(308) 324-2386
Tyler Anthony

Tyler Anthony

Apprentice Lineman on the North Platte Construction Crew

Roxanne Brackney

Roxanne Brackney

Consumer Accounting Representative (front desk)

Jeanne Leick

Jeanne Leick


Tanner Ostermeyer

Tanner Ostermeyer

Apprentice Lineman on one of the Lexington Construction Crews


Public Powered

Public Powered

Electric vehicles are changing how we think about getting from point A to B. An eco-friendly vehicle with low emissions and less maintenance does exist. If you haven’t looked at an electric vehicle lately, it may be time to do a double-take. EVs boast a variety of...

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Notice of change: Board meetings

The Dawson PPD Board of Directors will meet the first Wednesday of the month beginning at 10:00 a.m. Meetings are held at the Lexington office at 75191 Road 433, just south of Interstate 80.   June 2018

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