(308) 324-2386
load control possible

Load control is possible on Sunday, August 14, 2022. All of Dawson PPD’s irrigation load management groups are eligible for Sunday control. Also, a 9:00 a.m. start time may occur on Friday (8/12) and/or Saturday (8/13). Irrigators are encouraged to pay attention to text messages, emails, Dawson PPD Twitter, KRVN 880 AM announcements or DawsonPower.com for updates.

Normal load control allows for up to six hours of control on Sundays.

If a farmer or irrigation tech needs time to fix an irrigation system, Dawson PPD can override the load control system. Call 308-324-2386.

Also note that customers can change their load management control option once per season. There is a fee for making the change and the customer needs to pay for the difference in horsepower demand charges.  All energy will be billed at the higher rate.


What’s on that pole?

What’s on that pole?

What's on that pole? This illustration shows the basic equipment found on electric utility poles. The equipment varies according to the location and the service they provide. Primary wires Primary wires carry 7,200 volts of electricity from a substation. That voltage...

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Guest column: Supply chain shortages

Guest column: Supply chain shortages

Remember the shortages of toilet paper and hand soap in 2020? Our country’s supply chain is still having problems. Purchasing material has become an adventure. Like you, Dawson PPD is doing our best to work through the situation. According to Jerry Hobelman, Dawson...

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