(308) 324-2386
2021 average prices for residential electricity in the United States

Nebraska’s average cost per kilowatt hour is 10.5 cents, lower than the nationwide average of 13.7 cents. This chart depicts the average prices for residential electricity in the United States based on 2021 figures.


Alert today, alive tomorrow: Heads up for farm safety

Alert today, alive tomorrow: Heads up for farm safety

  Alert today, alive tomorrow: Heads up for farm safety Stay safe around downed power lines. Consider all lines, equipment and conductors to be live and dangerous. If you are inside farm machinery that makes contact with a downed power line, know what to do! If...

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Between the lines: That will never happen

Between the lines: That will never happen

By Gwen Kautz, Dawson PPD General Manager gkautz (at) dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 I just finished reading an article about shopping malls that are closing across the United States because online shopping is replacing a physical trip to the store. As an avid online...

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Know what is below

Know what is below

The 811 process for homeowners For projects that include planting a tree, installing a mailbox or building a deck, among others. Notify – Notify your local one-call center by calling 811 or making an online request 2-3 days before work begins. The one-call center will...

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