(308) 324-2386
2021 average prices for residential electricity in the United States

Nebraska’s average cost per kilowatt hour is 10.5 cents, lower than the nationwide average of 13.7 cents. This chart depicts the average prices for residential electricity in the United States based on 2021 figures.


What’s on that pole?

What’s on that pole?

  This illustration shows the basic equipment found on electric utility poles. The equipment varies according to the location and the service they provide. October 2019

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Between the lines: Our loss is your gain

Between the lines: Our loss is your gain

By Gwen Kautz, General Manager gkautz at dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 The unusually wet years of 2018 and 2019 have impacted many customers and public power districts. Some of our farmers and ranchers experienced unusual issues of their own due to the rains. If there...

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SmartHub saves: Wendell and Joanne Stevens, Kearney

SmartHub saves: Wendell and Joanne Stevens, Kearney

  This series focuses on Dawson PPD customers who use SmartHub to manage their electrical use. SmartHub is a free web and mobile app available to all Dawson PPD customers. To sign up, call Dawson PPD at 308-324-2386 or click here. What do you use SmartHub for?...

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