(308) 324-2386

Washing windows and screens is a great way to practice energy efficiency during spring cleaning. Clean windows and screens make your home brighter by allowing more sunlight in, reducing the need for lamps and fixtures. Clean screens also allow more fresh air in the home when the windows are open to recycle indoor air. Natural light and clean air are energy savers, and they enhance overall health and productivity.

Source: energy.gov


Dawson PPD’s stance on national energy policy

Dawson PPD’s stance on national energy policy

Dawson Public Power District is a member of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. NRECA works on the behalf of Dawson PPD and other electric providers to advocate for customers. They carry out this work by talking to government officials, members of congress and raising public awareness. The following are a list of NRECA policies supported by Dawson PPD.

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Irrigation rates have not changed since 2021

At their December meeting, Dawson PPD’s board affirmed that there will be no changes to the irrigation rate for the 2024 season. The rates have remained stable since 2021. The District will conduct a rate study later this year. The goal of the study is to ensure that...

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