(308) 324-2386
Skylar Howell

Skylar Howell has joined Dawson PPD as a Consumer Accounts Representative.


Your easement questions, answered

Your easement questions, answered

When it comes to our distribution system, all work begins with an easement. The cooperation of our customers — like you — ensure that Dawson PPD’s electric system remains safe and reliable now and for generations to come. “When we propose an easement, we’re looking...

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Between the lines: That digital divide

Between the lines: That digital divide

By Gwen Kautz, General Manager gkautz at dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 You’ve heard about it, right? Let me assure you it’s the real deal. We’ll take a look around Dawson PPD’s service territory and share just how wide that divide is. We’ll also talk about the possible...

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