(308) 324-2386
Roxanne Saiz

Roxanne Saiz has accepted the position as Operations Coordinator. She previously held a position at Dawson PPD as a Consumer Accounts Representative.


Between the lines: Technology, the grid and Dawson PPD. (Part 1)

Between the lines: Technology, the grid and Dawson PPD. (Part 1)

Dawson PPD’s electric distribution utility system is a complex network of wires, transformers and other equipment that delivers electricity from power plants to substations to homes and businesses. In recent years, there have been several new technologies that have been developed to improve the efficiency, reliability and security of the electric distribution system.

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Working together for irrigators

Working together for irrigators

The Twin Platte Natural Resource District needed to document irrigation groundwater usage. They could have installed water meters, but the meters were not cost effective. And water meters traditionally are only read once a year, after irrigation season. Instead, they...

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