(308) 324-2386
Dawson PPD General Manager Gwen Kautz

Gwen Kautz

General Manager

In the utility world, electricity is electricity – and it’s the same everywhere. The difference is in our customer service and quality of work. Dawson PPD is dedicated to safety, reliability and low rates. Our reputation can be made or broken by the way we treat our customers. Good customer service can lead to loyalty, common understanding, reliability and positive word-of-mouth conversations.

Dawson PPD’s core values help differentiate us from other electrical utilities. We are:

  • Accessible. Customers should be able to contact us easily.
  • Transparent. We are transparent about policies and procedures. Customers should be able to easily find information online, by phone or at our Lexington office.
  • Accountable. We are accountable for our actions. If a customer has a problem, we take steps to resolve it quickly and fairly. Policies also treat customers without prejudice.
  • Empathetic. Our board members and employees empathize with customers. We understand that customers are often frustrated when they contact customer service, and we do our best to make the situation as easy as possible for them.

The exchanges between a customer and a board member or employee are a two-way street. We expect our representatives to be respectful, but so should our customers. The “golden rule” (Luke 6:31) applies here. We believe that good customer service is:

  • Proactive. It anticipates customer needs and addresses them before they become problems. Bad customer service is reactive. It only responds to customer complaints after they have occurred.
  • Responsive. Customers should be able to get help when they need it, not when it is convenient for the company.
  • Helpful. Customer service representatives should be knowledgeable about the company’s services and be able to answer customer questions in a clear and concise manner.
  • Courteous. Our board members and employees should treat customers with respect. We understand that there are times when a customer is unhappy with us. Regardless, all customers deserve to be treated kindly.
  • Fair. Customers should be treated fairly, regardless of their race, gender, religion or any other personal characteristic. This extends to policies that are created with the same directive.

Good customer service is essential for any company that wants to succeed today. At a time where we are seeing more and more automation, especially in our retail stores, that person-to-person connection is even more valuable.

Dawson PPD will be conducting a customer survey soon. We find this information very helpful in creating a business that serves you better. If there’s something we can change to improve your interaction with us, we want to know.

Praying your summer is full of lots of family time, laughter and fabulous memories.


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