(308) 324-2386
Drake Power
Onyx Smith
Lily Valentin

Dawson PPD is sponsoring three local students to attend the Nebraska Rural Electric Association Youth Energy Leadership Camp. The camp will be held at Camp Comeca near Cozad July 9-13.

The students selected are:

  • Drake Power, Shelton. Son of Blake Power and Emmy Power.
  • Onyx Smith, Kearney. Daughter of Todd and Jody Smith of Kearney.
  • Lily Valentin, North Platte. Daughter of Lacy McCreary of North Platte.

The camp’s purpose is to teach students about the electric utility industry and public power in Nebraska, and build their leadership skills.

About 50 students from around the state are expected to attend. The group participates in interesting workshops, fascinating demonstrations and presentations by regional experts. Tours of the Gerald Gentleman Power Station and the Kingsley Hydro-Electric Power Plant provide a first-hand look at the process of generating electricity.

Dawson PPD is pleased to support our local youth’s career aspirations.


Snapshot: “I’ve got your back”

Snapshot: “I’ve got your back”

At Dawson PPD, safety is key. Lineworkers use a “spotter” when working out in the field. The spotter’s job is pretty straightforward; they watch the other employee work and warn them of any potential hazards. “When someone is up in the bucket truck, it is the...

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Between the lines: Hazard Recognition

Between the lines: Hazard Recognition

By Gwen Kautz, Dawson PPD General Manager gkautz (at) dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 Did you ever notice how we don’t “see things” we pass by every single day, like power poles? It’s that way with a lot of other things, too – bushes, trees, fences, signs, grain bins and...

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