(308) 324-2386
Renewable energy infographic

Do you have a Dawson PPD provided LED light that shines purple at night? Please contact us to report it!

The purple light is a defect that changes the color of the light from white to purple. This defect does not affect energy efficiency or performance.

We are gathering data to take to our vendor to see if the lights can be replaced under a manufacturer’s warranty. Our replacement schedule will depend on the number of defective units and the availability of replacement material.
Call Dawson PPD at 308-324-2386 and have your account number ready to verify your information and location of the light.

Thank you for your assistance.


Notice to bidders

Notice to bidders

NOTICE TO BIDDERS Substation Construction Project Sealed proposals for the construction, including the supply of necessary labor, equipment and some materials for two rural electric projects of Dawson Public Power District, (hereinafter called the “Owner”) to be known...

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Dawson PPD’s board reviews the audit and financial standards

Dawson PPD’s board reviews the audit and financial standards

Dawson PPD’s 2023 audit report was given by Bob Beran, of the Dana F. Cole & Company accounting firm, at the June 5, board meeting. He said that the district is financially sound, consistently surpassing all required benchmarks. Dawson PPD is audited annually. The...

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