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In the wide world of social media, one figure stands out not for flashiness but for his humble nature and dedication to educating others. Meet Noah Hubbard, better known as “The Korean Kornfarmer” in the digital realm.

At first glance, Noah might seem like your average young farmer from Elm Creek, but his story unfolds to reveal a deep-rooted passion for agriculture and a mission to break stereotypes about minorities in farming. Noah’s journey into farming was not just a career choice; it was a lifelong dream painted when he sketched a tractor in kindergarten.

His path led him to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he received a degree in diversified agriculture and agronomy. But it wasn’t until he ventured into social media that his purpose took shape.

“Holy shit (sic), there are so many people in this world who have no clue (about agriculture) or form an opinion based on so-called facts without actually researching it all,” he said.

In 2019, Noah initially made Tik Tok videos for fun, showcasing farm equipment and adding a touch of humor. However, witnessing widespread ignorance about farming spurred him to become an educator. Noah’s content shifted toward shedding light on the realities of agriculture, reaching millions and attracting diverse audiences, some of whom had never given farming a second thought.

One of Noah’s missions is advocating for minorities in agriculture, an issue close to his heart as a Korean American farmer. Noah was adopted as an infant from South Korea and was raised in Elm Creek.

“Believe it or not, there are other kinds of farmers out there,” Noah quipped.

When asked about his identity as a Korean American farmer, Noah’s response echoes his upbringing in a small, welcoming community. “I was just another Hubbard Kid,” he recalled.

Noah uses humor in his videos to disarm negativity and challenge stereotypes. His viral video about minorities in agriculture garnered 3.7 million views, sparking interest and conversations among those unfamiliar with farming.

Despite his rising influence, Noah remains firmly grounded. Unlike a typical social media influencer, Noah’s primary reason for posting content is not for the money.

“I’m just another human,” he said. Noah emphasized that he wants to stay authentic and avoid letting social media inflate his ego.

With a podcast called “The Crop Shop” and a commitment to farming full-time, Noah remains firmly rooted in both his passion for agriculture and his dedication to dispelling misconceptions.

“I plan to do this until I’m in the dirt,” he said. “If you find something you’re passionate about, you might as well do it until you can’t.”

His story serves as proof that the power of social media is not just for entertainment, but for education and positive change. Noah Hubbard, “The Korean Kornfarmer,” isn’t just growing corn; he’s cultivating change, one engaging video at a time.


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