(308) 324-2386
Three ways to limit tree trimming and removal. 1. Plant trees in the right place. 2. Don't block pad-mounted transformers. 3. Report dangerous branches.

Did you know electric utilities are required to trim and remove trees and other types of vegetation that grow too close to overhead power lines? Here’s how you can help:

1. Plant trees in the right place. Trees that will be <40 ft. should be planted at least 25 ft. away from power lines (>40ft. should be at least 50 ft. away).

2. Don’t block pad-mounted transformers. Plant shrubs at least 10 ft. away from transformer doors and 4 ft. from transformer sides.

3. Report dangerous branches. If you spot a tree or branch that is dangerously close to power lines, please let us know.

Tree trimming and removal improves safety for all. Let’s work together to enjoy the beauty of trees and reliable electricity.


Mapping legend Ron Teten retires

Mapping legend Ron Teten retires

Ron Teten is a real legend. For the past 19 years, Teten has led Dawson PPD into the world of intelligent, digital mapping. His next destination? Retirement. “It’s been a good learning experience at Dawson PPD,” Teten said. “I’ve enjoyed working with the employees....

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A heart to heart with Connie Hird

A heart to heart with Connie Hird

Relationships are the heart of customer service. And Connie Hird has heart. After 39 years of service, Hird has chosen to retire. Hird was hired as a Consumer Accounting Clerk in 1981 after her father told her about the open position. “My dad, Virgil Coryell, knew it...

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Take care when landscaping around padmount transformers

Take care when landscaping around padmount transformers

November is a great time to start planning your landscaping for the next year. You may be considering hiding some unwanted sights in your yard, including a padmount transformer. These green metal boxes are essential to your electric service. Fences, shrubs and trees...

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