(308) 324-2386
Lineworker and administrative professionals day 2024

April 8, 20204: Lineworker Appreciation Day

April 24, 2024: Administrative Professionals Day


The pros and cons of overhead and underground power lines

The pros and cons of overhead and underground power lines

Overhead Pros: Less expensive to build and repair Easier to spot faults/damage Can be built on any terrain Cons: Susceptible to wind, ice and snow More vulnerable to damage from trees and vegetation More vulnerable to blinks caused by animals Susceptible to damage...

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Between the lines: Merger update

Between the lines: Merger update

It’s time to update you on the possible merger between Dawson Public Power District and The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District. February was a busy month and an important milestone in the process. The districts held a joint board meeting in Kearney...

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Small, focus group of irrigators meeting

What? Join us for an irrigation focus group discussion about: power factor electrical safety irrigation policies public power possible merger between Dawson PPD and The Central Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation District. We are limiting attendees to the first 15...

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