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Lexington native Jacie Wolfinger has been awarded the 2024 STEM Scholarship from Dawson Public Power District, valued at $2,000. Wolfinger is the daughter of Jake and Janice Wolfinger. She is currently studying animal science business pre-law at Oklahoma State University.

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math.

“Being a part of the livestock industry and majoring in animal science is important to me,” Wolfinger wrote in her application essay.

She mentioned that she would like to either pursue a career with the USDA or own her own butcher shop.

“One day I would like to return to Nebraska to raise a family and be a part of the Nebraska beef industry through one of these avenues.”

“At Dawson PPD, we’re committed to supporting our area youth in their career path to keep rural Nebraska strong,” said Dawson PPD Communications Specialist Chelsea Gengenbach. “We’re proud to support Jacie and her goals.”

The Dawson PPD STEM Scholarship has been awarded to one student annually since 2017.

Jacie Wolfinger


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