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Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes when you call or visit Dawson PPD headquarters? Consumer Accounting Representatives (CARs) wear many hats, juggling multiple tasks throughout the day to keep things running smoothly.

Morning Rush

A CAR’s day starts early, opening the office and preparing for customer arrivals. They check for payments dropped off after hours, review reports, and tackle tasks assigned by their supervisor. The phones start ringing as soon as the calls are routed back from the overnight call center serviced by Nebraska Public Power District. Customers reach out for help with everything from starting new accounts to making payments. The colleagues work together as a team, answering phones, processing payments (both in person and over the phone), and assisting walk-in customers.

Multitasking Marvels

The fast pace doesn’t stop! While helping a customer at the counter, a CAR might receive a radio call from a lineworker about a planned outage. They simultaneously keep an eye on the meter reports, identifying any that aren’t functioning properly. Emails, texts, and even handwritten notes from customers all require attention.

“It can be very busy after a weekend, especially a holiday weekend,” says CAR Sara Campbell. “Other times are slower, it just depends on the day. Payment deadlines, daily or monthly tasks, even the weather all play a factor in our daily activities.”

Adapting to Change

According to Sara, one of the things she enjoys most about her job is the variety. “Equipment and technology change often,” she explains. “We have to be capable of getting information from here to the linemen and back to the office. It’s nice how much technology has simplified things, but we still have to know a little bit about a lot of different things in order to best help our customers.”

The Importance of Teamwork

CARs work closely with other departments at Dawson PPD, like lineworkers who maintain power lines. “Communication is key! We don’t see them in person every day, but we communicate daily by phone and radio getting orders out,” says Sara. “Our lineworkers know their areas well and are willing to answer any questions that we may have about a customer request or trouble call.”

The Day Winds Down

The afternoon brings more of the same – processing payments, assisting customers, and ensuring all accounts are updated. As the day comes to a close, the team secures the office and prepares to hand off calls to the after-hours call center.

Appreciation for CARs

The next time you interact with a Dawson PPD Consumer Accounting Representative, take a moment to appreciate their multitasking skills, adaptability, and dedication to customer service. They are the friendly faces behind the scenes, keeping your electric power on and your questions answered.


Dawson PPD’s stance on national energy policy

Dawson PPD’s stance on national energy policy

Dawson Public Power District is a member of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. NRECA works on the behalf of Dawson PPD and other electric providers to advocate for customers. They carry out this work by talking to government officials, members of congress and raising public awareness. The following are a list of NRECA policies supported by Dawson PPD.

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Irrigation rates have not changed since 2021

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Service upgrade policy changes

Starting in January 2024, Dawson PPD will charge to increase the size of an existing electric service. The value of the retired equipment will be credited toward the cost of new equipment. Increasing the size of a motor on an irrigation service, adding a swing arm to...

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