(308) 324-2386

“There’s more to it than meets the eye.” This is true for icebergs, farming and electric rates.

While it may seem like rates are changed by ‘a percentage here and there,’ there is a great deal of number-crunching done before any rates are proposed or approved.

“An electric rate study is fundamental to a public power district,” explains Gwen Kautz, General Manager. “It’s another type of financial checkup. We hired a consultant to look at all of our costs, customer usage patterns and our financial goals.

Rates need to be fair, as low as possible and yet cover the cost of reliable, safe power for every customer.”

Dawson PPD’s previous rate study was conducted in 2019. Since that time Nebraska Public Power District has adjusted components of the wholesale electric rate. Dawson PPD’s irrigation loads have grown by over 11,000 horsepower. Also, the board has set new financial goals and strong load growth is projected.

The last changes to consumer electric rates were made in 2021.

The rate study results will be presented to the board of directors this fall.


Stay safe and help us keep the power flowing

Stay safe and help us keep the power flowing

Let’s work together for a safer, more dependable power supply. If you see something that concerns you, please don’t hesitate to reach out by calling us at 308-324-2386. By keeping an eye out for hazards and reporting them, you become an essential part of our team, and your efforts help us serve you better.

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