(308) 324-2386
Breaking down the rising material costs for Dawson PPD

Price increases reflect the past 4 years.

  • Primary wire: 194%
  • Insulators: 71%
  • Crossarms: 69%
  • Surge arrestors: 59%
  • Transformers: 108%
  • Cutouts: 31%
  • Secondary wire: 43%
  • Poles: 91%
  • Ground wire: 63%


Powering young minds

Powering young minds

We are committed to empowering our youth to become responsible energy consumers, future leaders in the energy industry and informed citizens who can make a positive impact.

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Switching things up

Switching things up

We're committed to delivering reliable electricity to you. That's why we recently replaced a transmission line switch that had reached its service limit. While the original switch served us well for 40+ years, proactive maintenance identified the need for an upgrade....

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Common causes of power outages

Common causes of power outages

There is never a good time for the power to go out, but if it happens on a sunny day, you might be left wondering why. Here are the most common causes of a power outage.

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